Thursday, January 30, 2020


Our 20th Anniversary Trip to Belize was awesome!

After two planes and two hours of driving across Belize, we arrived at Chaa Creek Resort in the rainforest/jungle. The resort is stunning and they upgraded us to a jacuzzi suite which we took full advantage of.

We spelunked in the ATM (Actun Tunichil Muknal). I don't have any pics because you aren't allowed to bring cameras after a person dropped their camera on one of the skulls in the sacred part of the cave. If you're interested in what I experienced you can check out National Geographic's epidode of the Crystal Maiden or check out this link: or watch the video below.  It's a pretty good representation of what we did and the highlight of the trip for me. Though I did wonder how my husband was going to fit through some of the spaces.

At the resort they have over 70 Mayan sites, hiking trails, butterfly farm, and canoes. We did it all, including some relaxing.

We visited the Mayan ruins of Xunatunich and could see over the border to Guatemala. We got there when it opened and had the place to ourselved for 30 minutes before anyone else showed up so no photo bombers!

Then it was on to the Belize Zoo where they have 37 native animals. Here's the tapir their national animal.  

We took a 14 seater airplane to the caye and sat right behind the pilot!

And then we spent two days at Mahogany Bay chilling on their private island beach because all the scuba and snorkel dives we planned were cancelled due to strong currents. This was our only disappointment as Belize is said to have some of the best reefs in the world and part of the reason I picked the location for our anniversary. I hope we'll be able to go back and try again. Instead I got a massage. 

I'm super grateful for this handsome husband of mine. He makes our life beautiful and supports my artistic side. Happy 20th!