Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chasing Someday

Chasing Someday by [Armstrong, Lindzee]

I love Ms. Armstrong's writing. I'm a longtime fan. I adore her romances.

This book is different, but as beautiful, if not more so, for the subject matter it covers - Infertility.

While I haven't personally dealt with this challenge, my heart ached and broke for the characters in this story, who represented women who deal with this everyday, who long for a child to hold in their arms and call theirs, whether it comes to them through modern day miracle medicine or adoption.

The story follows Megan, Christina, and Kyra, who all suffer from IF for various reasons and to different degrees. They eventually become friends and strengths to one another as they cry, laugh, and rage at the unfairness of it all. A story of love and friendship, of heartache and joy, of faith and doubt.

You'll need a box of tissues handy. It's an emotional roller coaster of a ride, and worth every word.

An excellent selection for book clubs as it comes with discussion questions. I've already recommended it for my book club to review.

Baby dust for all the women out there who deal with this challenge. You are truly remakable in the face of adversity.


Three women. One secret.

Megan doesn’t want to be bitter. But it’s hard not to be when her star teenage piano student accidentally gets pregnant. Megan’s done everything right—married the man she loves and read the parenting books. Yet after six years of insanity-inducing hormone drugs and desperate prayers, all she has to show for her efforts are enough negative pregnancy tests to fill a bassinet. 

Christina has been off birth control for more than a year—she just hasn’t told her husband. Now infertility threatens to rip their already strained marriage apart. He’s uncertain about fatherhood, but Christina will do anything to be a mother.

Kyra, the poverty-stricken mother of a precocious three-year-old, is shocked to struggle with secondary infertility. A baby is priceless, but try telling that to those demanding payment for the chance at motherhood.

When a school book drive brings the three women together, their uncomfortable secrets soon come to light. Can they overcome their heartache together, or will they allow their struggles to tear them apart?

Explore this emotionally charged tale of friendship and hope today!

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