Thursday, April 25, 2024

Amazon Decoded

I read this book over quite a span of time. I find marketing books are more digestible this way, and I don't get overwhelmed. And when it come to Amazon, there's plenty that can be overwhelming. 

Mr. G. does an excellent job as your guide explaining the ins and outs and the whys as much as can be deciphered of the Amazon algorithms. And he does it with humor and gem for a non-fiction book. 

His advice is sound and applicable. 

Note: since this latest edition, Amazon has changed a few things. This isn't Mr. G's fault and certainly doesn't make the majority of his information outdated. I'd say it's 95% accurate and worth your time. 

Want to sell more books on the world's biggest retailer? Fancy Amazon doing the selling for you instead? Amazon Decoded: A Marketing Guide to the Kindle Store will show you how.

* Learn about Visibility Marketing and how understanding Amazon can boost your sales.
* Discover the algorithms that go into Sales Rank and dispel some common myths.
* Understand the critical differences between the Best Seller list and the Popularity list.
* Decode the ways Amazon recommends millions of books to readers every single day.
* Implement proven marketing plans, optimized for maximum Amazon visibility.

Whether you are exclusive to Amazon and chasing those page reads, or a wide author trying to survive the onslaught of Kindle Unlimited titles, 
Amazon Decoded will share the secrets of the Kindle Store and how you can sell more books.

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