Thursday, June 13, 2024

Love Songs Suck

I believe this is my first read by Becky Monson, and I'll be adding her to my trusted authors list. 

We have a bit of a love triangle here as our girl, Lou, is engaged. But her groom-to-be is kind of a jerk/wet blanket so really I was rooting for Finn the whole time. The one who treats her right. 

Great slow burn with respect to our engaged girl, and a fake relationship to boot. 

Prep the midnight read munchies. You'll be up late to finish this one. 


“Louella,” he says my name and . . . yep. A tingle just went down my spine. It’s just the way he says it, the way it rolls off his tongue, like his lips are meant to say it.

After growing up in Nashville with two musician parents, I promised myself one thing—I would never, ever fall in love with anyone who had anything to do with the music scene. I will take my stable, albeit boring, accountant boyfriend, thank you very much, and live securely ever after. At least that was the plan. Who knew one ridiculous party where boy band sensation Finn Thatcher showed up would turn my life completely upside down.

How dare he write a song about me. A song that went straight to number one. A song that messes everything up with his band. And who gets the blame for that? That’s right, me. I’m the new Yoko Ono. The only way to fix it is to, well . . . give the world what it wants—a love story. We are talking the whole freaking fairy tale. Nothing says true love like a fake relationship. But what if it’s not so fake? What if I want the happily ever after? Or am I just another love song to Finn?

Love Songs Suck is a slow burn rock star romance, with a dash of fake dating, some forced proximity, and late night song writing sessions.

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