Thursday, July 11, 2024

Saved by the Rockstar

I'm a long time fan of Ms. Pennington and this read doesn't disappoint. 

Great theme, conflict, pacing, and the burn between Julie and'll need some ice cream for that. ;) 

I saw the twist coming but that didn't take away from it. 

A solid read that will have you wanting to ignore bits of your life to sneak in a few more pages. 


One man won't let her fall.
Another won't let her go.

Julie is a famous author who avoids the limelight. Her only interaction with the outside world is her weekly vlog where she connects with her fans. When she raves about the rock star who has inspired her writing, he actually responds. For the first time, she considers stepping out of the safe world she’s created for herself.

Ryland loves his music and performing, but not the fake women who come along with it. When his little sister shows him the vlog of her favorite author, he’s intrigued by how genuine and warm she is. As he pursues Julie, he’s forced to evaluate the direction of his life.

Ryland wants to meet in person, but as much as Julie wants to, it forces her to face the anxiety that has held her back all these years. With as much courage as she can muster, Julie steps into the world she’s been hiding from. Unfortunately, her anxiety isn’t the only threat to their happily-ever-after. 

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