Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Storymakers Love Headed to the Midwest

I'm getting on the bandwagon to show my love for the LDStorymakers Conferences in order to get you excited for the new Midwest conference this Sept. 15th.
First, I have now been to two Storymakers conferences, both in Utah and both amazing and totally worthwhile. Every class has made me a better writer. I have also meant some totally awesome people who actually took time to speak to me and a few even learned my name. With attendance to your first conference you have the opportunity to join Authors Incognito. So, now I have this huge author family to draw knowledge and support from on any topic I can come up with and often lots I haven't even thought of.
Second, There's the saying that it takes a village to raise a child and I'd say it takes a lot of writers to make an author. You can reconfigure the wording how you wish but you get the idea.

So, now I have a chance to travel back to my former hometown to attend an intimate conference on writing and meet and know some awesome writers. I signed up, now it's your turn. Here's the link:

and go see where we show the love

What conference have you attended that has made your hobby better?

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