Tuesday, September 13, 2016

On the Corner of Heartache & Love Launch & Giveaway!!!

LAUNCH DAY!!! On the Corner of Heartache & Love is here!

What's it about?

Maren's stuck at the intersection of heartache and love, but happily ever after might be just around the corner.

After three years, Maren Summers is elated to finally have her dream wedding to her dream man, Kevin Bryant. In her sights is the promotion to Weddings she’s worked so hard for at the newspaper. Happily ever after is within her grasp…

Until Kevin jilts her at the altar, elopes with another woman, and becomes her boss. Devastated by the twisted turn of events Maren moves in with her best friend and notices the not-so-homeless guy on the corner, Zane Whitfield. As his heart-wrenching tale unfolds—his vow to wait a year on the corner for his lost love—Maren sees his compassionate human-interest story as her ticket away from Kevin, weddings, and her heartache.

But as the New Year approaches, is Maren headed for heartache again if Zane's lost love returns or has time changed more than one heart?

Where can you get it? 

SALE! All my previous books are on sale for $0.99! Such a deal!

About the Author:

Lisa Swinton caught the romance bug early by way of fairy tales and hasn’t been able to cure it since. Instead, she feeds her addiction with romance novels and films. In between being a dottore’s wife and mother of two, she occasionally puts her B.A. in Musical Theater to good use via community theater and church choir. In her elusive spare time she enjoys researching her family tree and baking (especially with chocolate). She loves traveling, Jane Austen, and all things Italian. In her next life, she plans to be a professional organizer.

You can visit her at:


The Giveaway!

Special People Participating in the Media Tour! Go check out these amazing authors and readers!

Anna Del C. Dye     Blog
Danyelle Ferguson     Website
Kim Karras     Blog
Laurie Lewis     Website & Blog
Lindzee Armstrong     Facebook
Lisa Rector     Blog
Mindy Holt     Blog
Misty Pulsipher     Facebook

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what's the difference between a vocal crush and a regular crush, but I definitely have a crush on my husband!
