I started this writing journey in June 2009 when a writer's group formed and asked me to be a member. Many words, edits and writers' conferences and nearly 5 years later, I'm publishing my first novel today! There are many who deserve my gratitude for mentoring and supporting me along this journey, especially my family. Here are my top 5: my husband, Danyelle & John Ferguson, Regina Sirois, & Karina Fuggett. I'm grateful beyond words to all of you.
Be sure to follow the links below and get in on the giveaway prizes: a $25 Amazon card, and 3 awesome e-books! You can get entries by following along the blog tour. These sites are posted on my blog and will be found on my Facebook author page. I'll announce the winners on Mar. 10th! The e-book is available now and the print book will be coming soon.
Now do a happy dance with me! Eat some Italian food and your favorite chocolate dessert! Because that's what I'm doing today!
Fallen Angel
a Rafflecopter giveawayAntonio does not believe in love at first sight until he sees her fall into a street in Milan and get hit by a motorcycle. Compelled to know if she can return his affection, he becomes Renatta’s hospital volunteer only to learn that the accident erased her memory. Together they must discover her past, present and future. In the way of happily ever after stand her opera career, tyrannical mother, and fiancé. Antonio must win Renatta’s heart before she bends to the will of her mother and marries Marcello. Failure means a lifetime of loneliness, for love at first sight never happens twice.
You can buy it here:
About the Author
Social Media Links:
Lisa Swinton caught the romance bug early by way of fairy tales and hasn’t been able to cure it since. Instead, she feeds her addiction with romance novels and films. In between being a doctor’s wife and mother of two, she occasionally puts her B.A. in Musical Theater to good use via community theater, church choir and teaching the art of singing. In her elusive spare time she enjoys researching her family tree and baking (especially with chocolate). She loves to travel, Jane Austen, and all things Italian. In her next life, she plans to be a professional organizer
Since we are in Italy, a Lamborghini of course. There's a few issues with your rafflecopter, Lisa. Check through them.