Thursday, September 11, 2014

Awakening Avery

An emotional journey is the best way to describe this book. It is very character driven.

It's rich with brilliant description that really bring the characters and settings to life. Of course, I benefit personally by having been to Baltimore on a regular basis and having vacationed on Anna Maria Island as well. Both have unique beauty and charm.

There are a lot of tangled up hearts and relationships to unravel. Ms. Lewis works the tension just right and keeps the pace moving.

It's a great beach read, but you don't have to be at the beach. It just makes me want to be there.

If you're looking for a wholesome book, pick up this one. Clean: no language or sex. Maybe a kiss?

The ending seemed just a bit of a stretch for me, but it's a romance and I've read ones that stretch far larger distances to get to happily ever after! Now, I want to know what happens next in all their lives. Sadly, we only get to spend one summer with this crew.

Where would you rather vacation, Baltimore or Anna Maria?

Avery Elkins Thompson is depressed after her husband's untimely death. Her carefully controlled world is imploding, and her adult children fear they are losing her too.

Avery returns to Baltimore to sell the family's waterfront condo, and she meets rodeo-ers-turned-real-estate-brokers Teddie and Rider Davis, and Avery's quiet life will never be the same again. They arrange a house swap with widower Gabriel Carson from Anna Maria, whose overprotective parenting has resulted in two self-centered, twenty-something daughters. Avery and Gabriel are in for the summer of their lives as they step into one another's messy, complicated worlds.

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