Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Big Announcement!

I've been looking forward all year to participating in NaNoWriMo and deciding between two books I want to write, but sadly I won't be writing my 50,000 words in 30 days this year. There are two reasons why:

1. I'll be gone to Florida for 10 days for Thanksgiving. That combined with not writing on weekends only left me 16 days to write, and while I managed it in 22 days last year, even I'm not that crazy!

2. I've decided to launch my first novel FALLEN ANGEL on FRIDAY, FEB 7th, 2014!

The best time to launch a romance novel is February when we celebrate Valentine's Day, right?

So, I need the month of Nov to make one final pass at the manuscript and get it ready to load, set up a blog tour, and finalize the art work so I can be ready to send out ARCs in Dec to those on the blog tour, etc.

It's a big undertaking that I'm both nervous and excited for!

I've paid close attention the past 3-4 years to all my writer friends who have published both traditionally and indie and have seen the pros and cons of both. I drafted query letters and prepped manuscripts and even got rejections all of which I felt brought me that much closer to being a 'published' author.

What really put my goals in perspective last month were two things:

1. Just before I left for Midwest Storymakers my hubby and I had lunch. He asked me (paraphrased): "You've got 3 finished novels. What are you going to do with them? When are you going to get them published?"

2. I spent the Midwest Storymakers conference pondering: What are my goals with my novels? To be an international bestseller? (not likely) national bestseller? (again not likely) land a movie deal? (my fave fantasy), fame and fortune? (no thanks) to write and produce a good product? BINGO!

Plus, I realized, even if I landed an agent/publisher today, my book likely wouldn't come out for another year or two. Fallen Angel has already languished on my computer for far too long. Ring on Her Finger is almost ready to go. The Make-Out Artist needs editing and then it's ready too.

Self publishing fits my goals. Write a good story, edit it to within an inch of both our lives, then deliver a clean and beautiful copy for the world to read.

Make $10 bucks to celebrate with ice cream paired with an incredible brownie and fudge sauce. LOL!

I applaud and support my fellow authors who publish traditional and indie. I hope they'll be just as  supportive of my decision and my work.

So, here's to big decisions and big announcements!

Is anyone out there excited too?

Fallen Angel Blurb

When her angelic beauty, famous voice and precious memories are wiped out by one a motorcycle accident, a rising opera star must choose between the fiancé she cannot remember and the man who fell in love with her at first sight.

 In Fallen Angel, Antonio Tonon does not believe in love at first sight until he sees her fall into a street in Milan and get hit by a motorcycle. Compelled to know who she is and if she can return his affection, he becomes her hospital volunteer only to learn that the accident erased her memory. But the road to love is obstructed by her tyrannical mother, Renatta’s fiancé (Marcello), and Antonio’s own lower social status. Forced to redefine his ideas of honor, love, and family, Antonio must find a way to marry Renatta before she bends to the will of her mother and resumes her place on the opera stage. If he fails, Renatta will wed Marcello and sentence Antonio to a lifetime of loneliness, for love at first sight never happens twice.


  1. YEAH!!! So, so excited to have Fallen Angel on my bookshelves! =)

  2. Woohoo, Lisa! Congrats on that. I'll be coming back off my vacation when it comes out. But let me know if I can help after February 8th.

  3. Congrats! Still remember that first chapter of Fallen Angel from boot camp all those years ago. I can't wait to read the rest!!!

  4. Congrats! Still remember that first chapter of Fallen Angel from boot camp all those years ago. I can't wait to read the rest!!!

  5. I'm so happy for you and your new goals! You go, girl! And I love the excerpt. Good luck on your edits and have fun on your vacation!

  6. I think we have a BINGO here! Sounds like a winner to me. The way I see it, NaNo is only one way to spur writers on with their goals. Looks like you've got things figured out. Have fun in Florida!

  7. Congratulations, Lisa! I can't wait to read it!

  8. Hooray! Congrats, Lisa!

    (And cool way to think of it, Renae!)

  9. Yay! I'm so excited for you! You go, girl!!

  10. That is so exciting, Lisa! Congratulations!

  11. Very cool! I'll be excited to help spread the news!

  12. Congrats, Lisa, on your decision and seeing your books out there! I used November last year as my NaNo editing month last year and released it in Feb. Worked for me! Best of luck to you--I know you'll make it happen!
